Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

Kereta Mini, Kereta Mall, Komedi Putar Ya Keretaminiku.com

About Kereta Mini, Kereta Mall, Komedi Putar Ya Keretaminiku.com - Our CV Anugrah Jaya company engaged in the manufacturing / production, trade / dealer and service suppliers as well as entertainment for children cheap toys. Mini Toy Train, Train Mini Train, Windmills, Single Helicopter, Helicopter Dual, Mini Carousel, Odong odong, Mini Train, Mini Train Rails, Railway Toys Mini. Our products are the newest addition to the most interesting mini train is a comedy play called Rolling Star otherwise known as the Elephant Fly children, because children are riding elephants, horses and airplanes were made of fiber, which can rotate and up - down, gently , such as flying, exciting, fun, and safe because they use a seat belt. Moved using DC motors, so the mini train and other products are not harmful to children.

For Jakarta, we have a contact person who can be contacted, to deliver brochure / katalok mini train our products.
We are ready to take a mini or a toy train products ordered, to all parts of Indonesia through the expedition, bus, truck, container, taken alone or directly to the consumer demand we agreed.
All prices franko Madison (not including packing and post) we are ready to help you find an expeditionary / truck, or through your subscription expedition, with the added cost of packing and expedition.
How to book a mini train to the customer at P Java:
Transfer DP 30%.
Once finished, delivered and tested path, in the customer address.
Kekuranganya directly pay off through the transfer.
Or taken directly to our place.
How to book a mini train to the customer in the Outer P Java:
Transfer DP 30%.
Once the goods or toys will be like a mini train on the road test and tested at our facility.
In packing by us or expedition.
Expedition sent to or taken by the expedition fleet.
We pay charges, pengirimanya, delivery receipt number issued by the expedition (number handy to monitor trip stuff your place)
Mobile delivery receipt we inform you by SMS or phone can also be sent via fax or email.
Thus meaning mini toy train and other toys were booked already in the hands of the expedition, is no longer in our hands.
Kekuranganya directly pay off through the transfer.
Or taken directly to our place.
If you would like to see a mini train our products in the video, can be accessed at www.videoku.tv
Select the video-Write "mini train" in the search box or "flying elephant"
You can select and open multiple mini train videos and products - products of our other toys.
Basically we make products to order a mini train, but in between time we take the time to make the toys as a stock product. Product or toy mini train others who have Ready Stock / Ready / So, not binding, when - time may change its status, as already sold.
For more information contact us
READ MORE - Kereta Mini, Kereta Mall, Komedi Putar Ya Keretaminiku.com

Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

Seo Contest Hemorrhoid Medication Hemorrhoids and It works in Obatwasir.biz

Seo Contest Hemorrhoid Medication Hemorrhoids and It works in Obatwasir.biz - This article is the latest information about our latest seo contest again we follow, please see more info on below:CONTEST PRIZES SEO obatwasir.biz 2012Prizes:1st Place: Cash Rp 1.500.000, - (One Million Five Hundred Thousand)Champion 2: Cash Rp 750.000, - (Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand)3rd Place: Cash Rp 500.000, - (Five Hundred Thousand)Champion 4-10: The domain name dot comTime Implementing SEO Contest:October 15, 2012 at 00:00 pm - December 15, 2012 at 00:00 pmKeywords that are contested:"Obat Wasir dan Ambeien Manjur di Obatwasir.biz" (without the quotes)SEO Contest Terms and Conditions obatwasir.biz:

SEO contest participants must obey and execute all of the terms and conditions of the race without exception.
Mandatory post / write articles on the theme and keywords "
Obat Wasir dan Ambeien Manjur di Obatwasir.biz" in your blog or web respectively.
Long article at least 400 words and must include 2 linkback with anchor text:
a. cure hemorrhoids (url target: http://www.obatwasir.biz/)
b. hemorrhoid medicine (url target: http://www.obatwasir.biz/) NOTE: If you are found to be at least two backlinks then your blog automatically disqualified without notice.
Free article title and may use targeted keywords.
SEO Contest Participants should include the address or url url posting the article, and not the domain name website or blog at the time to register for the contest. Articles or posts that are not listed in our database will not be considered as participants in the race, until the participant registered the URL -> List.
We do not accept articles or posts that merely contain or provide news information. So at the end of the race there is a limit of such a news article in the top 10, articles or postings are automatically disqualified and will be replaced by an article in the next sequence.
Blog or article should not be offensive, hateful, pornographic and violate applicable laws of the Republic of Indonesia.
Terms of winners is: a. registered for the contest
b. participants are listed in the posting url Google.co.id
c. has escaped the verification requirements of the contest (verification will be done after pentupan blog contest registration, which is dated DECEMBER 15, 2012)
d. The contested post URL is indexed in google.co.id
If the order of 1 to 10 there are other sites that did not participate in the contest obatwasir.biz SEO, the site was not included as the winner, his position will be replaced by a site / blog that participated in the race in order afterward.
The committee reserves the right to review the rules as adding, subtracting adapt it to the contest rules contest.
Participants must install the banner contest at SIDEBAR obatwasir.biz seo blog. If found then there is no contest banner to your blog automatically disqualified without notice.
Contestant registration closes on December 15, 2012 at 23:59 pm (if you register on December 16, 2012 at 0:01 pm, it will not be recognized as a contestant though eventually post the website url you are on page one or two key words diperlombakan) .
a. Announcement of the winner will be announced no later than 1 week after the contest ends.
b. Winners will be contacted via email HP and
c. Determination of winners is done by opening Google.co.id and find keywords that have been determined. Website that ranks No. 1-10 will be on screenshots and determined the winner.
d. List of winners can be viewed on a web page or Google.co.id http://www.obatwasir.biz
14. Banner Contest Participant shall install SEO CONTEST OBATWASIR.BIZ (choose 1 between 2 of the following):
A. Banner 480 x 60

B. Banner 200 x 200
Attention!If the last day before the contest participants and the number of articles on Google is still below 50, then the time of the last contest will be extended for 30 days.** Always apply to the above rules due next month if the number of participants and the article is still under 50.(FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Indonesian SEO Contest with obatwasir.bizWhen registration last?Answer: Registration continues until the day before the contest ends.Allow if registered is the main blog only (not the blog article)?Answer: It should not be! URL requested is blog article, not the address of the blog.Correct example:- Namadomainanda.com/kategori-anda/2009/09/28/judul-artikel / = true- Subdomain.namadomain.com/2009/09/judul.html = true- Namadomain.com / title-artikel.html = trueAn example is incorrect:- Domainanda.com = false- Subdomain.domainanda.com = false- Domainanda.com / subdirectory / = falseCan write more than one article?Answer: It may.Registering more than one blog or website?Answer: It may.What do you mean URL or domain may not use keyword targeted domain?Answer: Only the name of the file or articles or posts that allowed targeted keywordsCan wear squidoo.com, wordpres blogger or blog or other?Answer: It mayCan backlink to your main URL obatwasir.biz?Answer: shouldMay perform more than one backlink to obatwasir.biz in one article?Answer: Perhaps (at least 2 backlinks)Can PPC advertising to promote your blog?Answer: It should not be. (The reason, it is not fair to those who do not have the opportunity to advertise PPC). The team will continue obatwasir.biz menantau and watched the contest participants and the course of the contest, if there are participants are caught using PPC both local and foreign, will be immediately disqualified, participants should be disqualified mengikutikontes from scratch using another blog, which has not been registered . note: blogs are prohibited from using PPC advertising is a blog that utilize PPC advertising to promote their participation in this SEO contest. On the blog there are PPC ads are not forbidden to participate in the SEO contest obatwasir.bizIs it true that contestant may only come from within the country?Answer: True. This contest is dedicated for all citizens of Indonesia. If you are an Indonesian, have a blog and have a bank account in Indonesia, but the center was overseas (medium schools, etc.), you still must follow.Black Hat Method of what should not be used?Answer: All of blackhat methods are prohibited (we will continue to monitor particularly those in the order of 1-20, if there are participants who are caught using a Blackhat SEO automatically disqualified).How long posts?Answer: A minimum of 400 words.If the top 10 there are two articles from the same blog (the same domain), whether the person has won two?Answer: No, only the articles with the top position which is considered a champion.If the top 10 there are two or more blogs / websites owned by the same person (different domain) whether to remain in the count as 2 winner or be one right?Answer: Keep calculated both and both are considered to be the winner.What if I use a domain redirect?Answer: Not allowed. Please wear the original url.Additional rules or other provisions that are still not clear please ask directly to us via email dedystone123@gmail.comUrl; http://www.nelza.info/2012/11/obat-wasir-dan-ambeien-manjur-di.htmlsource: http://www.obatwasir.biz/2012/10/seo-kontes.html
READ MORE - Seo Contest Hemorrhoid Medication Hemorrhoids and It works in Obatwasir.biz
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